Find How Much Time Passed From A Date In Javascript | letsbug
In this article we are going to make a javascript program to find the relative time passes from a time. It is going to be something like what you have seen in many social media applications where you can see how many hours or days or week have been passed since this post or message has been sent. I will be something like time ago library. We will do that same thing in javascript. So without wasting any time let's start. How Much Time Passed From A Dat e code: function timeAgo ( createAt ) { const time = new Date ( createAt ); const now = new Date (); const diff = (now. getTime () - time. getTime ()) / 1000 ; if (diff < 60 ) { return 'just now' ; } if (diff < 3600 ) { return Math. round (diff / 60 ) + ' minutes ago' ; } if (diff < 86400 ) { ...