How to Find Median Of An Unsorted Array In Javascript And Typescript | letsbug
In this article we are going make a function which will return the median of the an array which will be passed to the function as parameter. And we are using typescript for this. If you don't know what typescript is please learn about it a little bit. But if you don't know let me tell you in short what typescript is? As you all know that we cannot not define types of variable in javascript. To solve this problem and many more we have typescript. It is a superset of javascript which means any javascript file is typescript file be every typescript file in not javascript.
To run typescript file we have to install the typescript from npm. And then we can use it.
Coming back to the topic we have already made article where we find the median but it was for sorted array. So, let's start.
Median in an unsorted Array
Finding median of an unsorted array is same like sorted array but before we find the median here we first have to sort the array. As you see in the below code that in the function we pass the parameter array and as it is typescript we have also defined what type it is like " :Array<number> " which says it is a array of numbers.
The only change is the arr.sort function from the previous article of finding median. To see previous article click here
// find median of an array of unsorted numbersfunction median(arr:Array<number>):number{ let mid:number = Math.floor(arr.length/2) arr.sort((a,b) => a - b) if(arr.length % 2 === 0){ return (arr[mid] + arr[mid-1])/2 } return arr[mid]}console.log(median([4,2,1,2,3]))
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