Text Recognition Web App In Javascript | letsbug
Today we are making a text recognition web app with javascript. So in this app what we will do is that when you open it you will see it asks you for camera permission so you allow it. Then you see you face on the screen.
Now you hold a book or something which has some text on it. And when the text is perfectly aligned on the screen you can click anywhere on the screen. Then it will scan it and display the text on the screen and it will also speak those text for you.
Now to make it happen we need some special thing like 'tesseract.js'. Tesseract js is a javascript library that will help us make this work. Basically it's the backbone of the app. And to make things a little bit simpler we are using vite to make this javascript app.
Vite is a javascript module bundler like webpack if you have used it then you can say vite is faster alternative to webpack.
Text Recognition App In Javascript
Now following these steps you can make this app.
Step 1: Create a vite app.
First you have create a vite app you can do this by going into the terminal to windows powershell and typing the following command in. It will create a vite app for you. Remember you can even create a vite vanilla app or with any framework.
$ npm create vite <name-of-app>
Step 2: install tesseract.js
Now that we have our app ready you can install the tesseract.js library from npm by
$ npm install tesseract.js
Step 3: Add Javascript
Now in main.js of your javascript file add the following code for the app.
code :
import './style.css'// Wait until the DOM content is loadeddocument.querySelector('#app').innerHTML = `<h1>Text Recognition</h1><video width="400" height="300"></video><p>click on window to take picture</p><pre id="result"></pre>`// get the video element and the result elementconst video = document.querySelector('video')const result = document.querySelector('#result')// get the createWorker function from tesseract.jsimport {createWorker} from 'tesseract.js'// Initialize the workerconst worker = createWorker()// just a helper for setting upfunction setup() {await worker.load() // load the modelawait worker.loadLanguage('eng') // load the languageawait worker.initialize('eng') // initialize the language//check if the browser has the cameratry {// get the stream from the cameraconst stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: true,muted: true})video.srcObject = stream // set the video element sourcevideo.play() // play the video// take a picture on any click eventwindow.addEventListener('click', async () => {const canvas = document.createElement('canvas') // create a canvas element// set the canvas size to the video sizecanvas.width = video.videoWidthcanvas.height = video.videoHeightconst ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') // get the context// draw the video frame to the canvasctx.drawImage(video, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)// get the image data from the tessearct.js worker and set it to the result elementconst {data: {text}} = await worker.recognize(canvas)result.textContent = text// Read the text from the imagelet utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(text.replace(/\s+/g, ' '))// Set the voiceutterance.voice = speechSynthesis.getVoices().filter(voice => voice.name === 'Google UK English(Enhanced)')[0]// Set pitch and rateutterance.rate = 0.7// Set volumeutterance.volume = 2// Queue this utterancespeechSynthesis.speak(utterance)})} catch (err) {alert('No camera detected')}}setup() // run the setup function
Step 4: Run
Now in the terminal run following command to preview you app in the browser.
$ npm run dev
That's it. Now if you want full code of this project visit this link here
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